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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Questionaire / what comes to your mind when you think of

1. Black and white school bus ~~~ someones color blind....

2. Person who invented grapefruit ~~~ WAT NO one INVENTED the GRAPEFRUIT!! What idiot thought of that question..........oh wait............nvr mind

3. History WICKED BORING!!! unless it at relates to BRANdON FLOWerS

4. The letter M is how you spell massive

5. 778888 is a number I am way to lazy to count to

6. Lillies are stupid flowers that need a life

7. "you are....." way to full of it



9. Emotions are good for the soul

10. School Play are the best thing that happened to this school

11. Aqua is a color

12. Squareis a shape

13. An Aqua Square is a colored shape

14. Edit Html a button i thi8nk i broke

15. Weather Channel is on TV TOO MUCH

16. Diamond-studded Coffee Cup omg you have WAY to much $$$$

17. ......anvil is what I'd like to drop on a specific someones head.....*cough* EX *cough*

18. Camo never seen that b4 (sarcastically)

19. Explosive Eraser LOL love to see math teacher use one of those

20. Numb Guitar I knew he poisend them!!!!

21. Horoscope is like deatly ...............what?...............bad karma

22. Galatic Hat-Flavored Ice Cream U need to get a life

23. Jet about to crash into South Dakota I going to miss Mt. Rushmore

25. Meat-eating is my life

26. Leather jackets are taking over the world yea.....good luck with that

27. Insect not too bad

28. Film that jumps out of it's tape fun.......*yawn*

29. Worst Nightmare PIE!!!!!!!!

30. The Raven Once upona ................*snoring*

31. Womanizer *BIG EGO*

32. Floodlight i gotta get me one of those

33. Cat Hair look mommy !!!! DINNER!!!!!!!!!!

24. Im confused SAME

35. SPELING is speld wrong hahaha get it?

36. Ina castle far far away.... is where i want to put a specific someone

37. Fungus Freeway deserves to be in Mario Cart

38. High Heels are what almost broke my ankle

39. Cement that isn't dry yet is fun to push someone into

39. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$4 money.....too bad its only 4 bucks

40. Without you i would die!!!! <333333333

41. Garden Gate Maze another thing that should be in Mario Cart

42. 2005 bad times badtimes

43. Maybe I will grow up and become a famous actress..........maybe.............

44. Last years Health Teacher sooryy to all but I <33333333333>

45. LOVE is Way to strong to ignore

46. I wouldn't hurt nothing at all but here we are look im sorry SIr chocloate bunny but its just..........not your time

47. Famous Last Words is a beloved saying

48. Car wish I had one..........and a license

49. Kick your door down don't forget the frame!!! ;)

50. I blew your **** head off yea right I.................blew yours first!!!!!!

51. Sorry i didn't mean too


53. Even Numbers are 2 normal

54. ____
1 1
1 O_0 1
1 1 boooo!
1 1

55. Eletric Girls with wore down toys IS A line from Glamourous Indie Rock & Roll

56. Zagreb, Croatia Is where I was born......................no jk..........i wish

57. DeMeNtEd is

58. Bf yea haven't had one of those in a while

59. Life itself C'est barabont

60. Slap 00 ^ *slap* :( *Slap* :) .............*SLAP* >:( ...................>:) *PUNCH*

61. ....................... dots

62. Flying keyboard o no you didn't!!!!

63. Snowman r so over rated

64. Thunderstorm not scary

65. Yelllow is the color a brick road

66. Why exactly is this correct????????!?!?!?!? Because I said so

67. Whats your refernece point? SCREW YOUR REFERNCE POINT!!!!

68. Pianolious wtf

69. Breaking Dawn been there done that *yawn*

70.$%^#%^#$%&*^^*%#@$#$% w/e

71. C chord also Way too over rated

72. Engineering starts tommarrow...............UGH NONNNNNN

73. Olden Days r so yeaterday

74.blue jeans r stashed in my drawers

75. OMG LOL BTW OMG LOL like yea BTW OMG like SHUT LOL UP!!!!!!!

76. 6east Science teacher is cool

77. () () () () Scary Ghouls () () () () no just no

78. Epic Boredom is what lies within

79. Orange fruit

80. Origami fun

81. Obama first

82. Oddness freaky

83. Orangitangs funny

84. O F

85. Oasis FINALLY

86. Of figs

87. Oatmeal fattening

]88. Obichuary finished...............

89. Oak FRIED!!!

90. Obsesstions FLOWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!

91. Narrow The meaning of the name kyle

92. Eyes brows check

93. Random I LUV............................

94. Kill ers!!!!!

95. LoSeR aka Mc Fly

96. Asier Mina (Asia Minor in 6est's techers voice) seriously get a life

97. Seasons of Love sorry winters over poeple

98. The end of the Beginng didn't the ss teacher say that?

99. Darth Vader apparently Adele's BFF ...........what ever

100. DONE!!!!! true yes how true said the sour kangaroo


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